[13 March 2023]

FREE workshop for businesses and charities interested in biodiversity and climate resilience

The Flood Innovation Centre is hosting a FREE workshop for businesses and charities with an interest in sustainable approaches to boosting their resilience to the effects of climate change, led by a well-known expert in biodiversity and green roofs.

Hosted by John Little of the Grass Roof Company, who has more than 20 years’ of experience, the workshop will be of particular interest to landscape designers and those offering professional gardening services, as well as gardening charities and village hall committees.

Sam Ramsden, a Research Associate at the Flood Innovation Centre, said:

“We look forward to hosting this interactive workshop, which has been designed to support organisations interested in designing biodiversity-based interventions to help minimise the effects of climate changes, including flood and drought.

“John will talk about the potential to boost biodiversity on sites of differing scale and in challenging conditions, such as flood or drought-prone areas. He’s well known for his innovative green roofs and will cover these, as well as how to create rain planters, as he gives an overview of sustainable drainage systems. He will also touch upon the importance of ongoing maintenance of these systems.”

During the workshop, Dr Stuart McLelland of the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute will give a guided tour of SuDSLabUK, an award-winning, campus-wide living laboratory for sustainable drainage systems, which are sometimes referred to as SuDS. Sustainable drainage systems mimic natural drainage solutions to help slow, store and filter excess surface water. They’re used to improve flood resilience, as well as offering a number of additional benefits, such as improving water quality, biodiversity and amenity. As well as transforming community spaces, they can also help to protect business premises from flooding.

John Little was the joint host of a previous workshop organised by the Flood Innovation Centre, where he taught 24 participants from  businesses and charities how to create a rain garden, green roofs and wildflower gardens.

Afterwards, one participant commented:

“I thought it was very well organised and the speakers were very knowledgeable, approachable and engaging. John’s presentation was fun and inspiring.”


Please click for information and bookings for the forthcoming workshop, which will take place on Wednesday 3 May at the University of Hull campus.


If you have any questions about the workshop or the registration process, please email sam.ramsden@hull.ac.uk